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Frequently Asked Questions_old

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions by our users. If you have any other problems, please contact us at

Is iBard24 safe?


Will the system create backup copies of my data automatically?


What is versioning of files used for?


Is data encrypted in Comarch IBARD?


How to generate an encryption key?


How to create an automatic MSSQL database backup copy in Comarch IBARD?


How to restore a database backup copy at the example of Comarch OPT!MA 17.5?


What to do if MSSQL server list or database list in the database backup wizard in Comarch IBARD is empty?


How to restore a differential backup copy of a MSSQL database with the use of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?


How can I access my data?


Can I login to one account from many devices?


What possibilities are provided by a backup schedule?


Can I share my files to other users of the Internet?


How can I search my files?


Is creation of a backup with the use of Comarch IBARD complicated?


Which files should be archived?


How to optimally configure schedules for database backup tasks?


What Comarch IBARD has to offer apart from “storage” advantages?


What if I do not have Framework .NET on my computer?


Can Comarch IBARD operate as a Windows service?


Can I set the Proxy?


Can I use Comarch IBARD on mobile devices?


How to add a new user to the account?


What should I do when VSS stops working?







Is Comarch IBARD safe?


Yes. Creating of backup copies in Comarch IBARD is completely safe. The data is sent through SSL 128-bit encrypted connection (the same kind of encryption is used in contacts with banks).

The data is stored in safe Comarch Data Center. A well-established position of Comarch Data Center in the area of security solutions results from the policy of long-wave investments in professional staff and knowledge of new technologies. Thanks to continuous effort put into improvement and development of Integrated Management System, Comarch Data Center received Integrated Management System certificates compatible with requirements of the following standards: EN-ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System, EN-ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems, PN-N 18001:2004 Safety and Hygiene of Work Management Systems, ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information Security Management Systems, as well as with criteria of Internal Control System (PN-N 19001:2006 Internal Control System (ICS)).The certificate was issued by Polish Center for Research and Certification (PCRC).

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Will the system create backup copies of my data automatically?


Comarch IBARD Backup Online acts as your personal inbox, where you can easily and safely store your data. Upon registration and installation, Comarch IBARD can be configured. Files and folders you want to secure can be:

– Copied to Comarch IBARD – selecting this option causes that a backup copy of data is created on the external disk.

– Added to backup – selecting this option causes, that a file or a folder is uploaded to Comarch IBARD disk and each change in folder contents or modification of a file on user’s computer is synchronized with the data sent to Comarch IBARD.


Backup copies are created in such an easy and fast manner, that you will not even notice it while working on your computer. You only need to select files for backup once and the program will do the rest. The backup copies are updated constantly while working with the selected files. If you save, for instance, a new picture in My Galleries folder, the program immediately creates its backup copy.

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What is versioning of files used for?

Versioning allows recovering of previously saved versions of files. This feature is useful especially if undesired changes have been made in our resources. Upon enabling option “Enable versioning” (which is available in file context menu) for particular files, previous versions of copied or synchronized data can be easily downloaded (option “Previous Versions” in context menu). Accounts for companies allow for storing of 20 previous file versions.

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Is data encrypted in Comarch IBARD?


Comarch IBARD provides a possibility of encrypting selected data with the use of AES-265 bit algorithm. The data is encrypted on user’s computer with a previously generated encryption key.

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric block cipher adopted as a standard by American National Institute of Standards and Technology. Security in such algorithm is based on secret key it uses – a string of bits of specified length, used for encrypting and decrypting of messages.

Note: In case if multimedia files are encrypted (e.g., .mp3, .jpg), it is not possible to open them in applications available on the website (Photo Gallery, mp3 Player).

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How to generate an encryption key?


The encryption key can be generated in Comarch IBARD application installed on user’s computer (link)
in tab Settings > Security.

Note: If the encryption key is lost, the data encrypted with it is irretrievably lost. iComarch24 Company does not store encryption keys generated by users of Comarch IBARD system. Therefore, if once generated, the encryption key should be saved by a user in a safe place.

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How to create an automatic MSSQL database backup copy in Comarch IBARD?


1) Select tab “General” in the application menu, then go to “Database”.


2) A window with database wizard appears.


3) On the first tab “Connection and Paths”, from a drop-down list called Server, select a MSSQL server from which database backup copies will be created. Define authentication method. In field “Comarch IBARD Path” select location on Comarch IBARD disk to which the copy will be created.


4) On the second tab, select appropriate databases.


5) On the third and the last tab, configure backup creation schedule for already selected databases. Here, it is possible to modify the default schedule or create another one which will be adjusted to your needs.


6) Select “OK”.

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How to restore a database backup copy at the example of Comarch OPT!MA 17.5?

1) By using Comarch IBARD virtual disk or File Manager on www.Comarch, download database backup copy file to a local disk (e.g., on Desktop).

2) Select System -> Configuration from OPT!MA menu.

3) In Configuration window, select path:

Comarch OPT!MAProgramUżytkoweBazy danych.

4) Click on the button [Open Database From Backup Copy].

5) Next, enter path to file downloaded from Comarch IBARD in the wizard.

This instruction is destined for full database backup.

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What to do if MSSQL server list or database list in the database backup wizard in Comarch IBARD is empty?

The reason of empty list of servers can be that add-ons to MSSQL are not installed. These add-ons can be found here (they should be installed in the given order):

For SQL Server 2017

For 32-bit systems:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types:


For 64-bit systems:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types:


For SQL Server 2016

For 32-bit systems:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types:

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Management Objects:


For 64-bit systems:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types:

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Management Objects:


For SQL Server 2014

For 32-bit systems:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types:

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Management Objects:


For 64-bit systems:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types:

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Management Objects:


For SQL Server 2012

For 32-bit systems:

Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 Service Pack 1:

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types:

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects:


For 64-bit systems:

Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 Service Pack 1:

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types:

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects:


For older versions of SQL Server

For 32-bit systems:

Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 Service Pack 1:

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Objects


For 64-bit systems:

Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 Service Pack 1:

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client:

Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Objects


Restart the computer after the add-ons are installed.

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How to restore a differential backup copy of a MSSQL database with the use of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?

1) By using Comarch IBARD virtual disk or File Manager on www.Comarch, download database full backup copy file (for example: MyDB.SQLServer.2010.10.10_10-01-00.full.bak) and corresponding database differential backup copy file (for example: MyDB.SQLServer.2010.10.10_12-01-00.diff.bak) to a local disk (e.g., on Desktop).

2) In window “Object Explorer” in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio expand path: “MSSQL Server” > “Databases”

3) Select database with a right-click (if there are no databases, create a new empty one). Select “Tasks” > “Restore” > “Database” from the menu

4) In field “To Database” enter name of the database for which the copy will be restored, it can be the new database or an already existing one.

5) In section “Source for Restore” check option “From Device:”

6) Then, click on the button “…”. In the open window called “Specify Backup” click [Add] to search out and add the full backup file. Click [Accept] to get back to “Restore Databases” window.

7) Here, mark the file which has just been added on the list and check parameter: ‘Leave the database non-operational, and do not roll back uncommitted transactions. Additional transaction logs can be restored.(RESTORE WITH NORECOVERY)’.

8) Click [OK].

9) On the added database, go to window “Restore Databases”, add differential backup copy file to the manager, and mark it, as in the above case.

10) In the options, check parameter: ‘Leave the database ready to use by rolling back uncommitted transactions. Additional transaction logs cannot be restored.(RESTORE WITH RECOVERY)’.

11) Click [OK].

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How can I access my data?

There are two way to access backup copies stored in Comarch IBARD:

– Through application installed on a user’s computer. A virtual disk, visible in “My Computer”, is created automatically. It can also be accessed by clicking on [Comarch IBARD Disk] in the program agent or by clicking on the icon created on the desktop automatically upon installing the program.

– Through any web browser. Upon logging in on www.Comarch, you get access to your data anytime from any place in the world. It is especially useful if you have a computer at home and want to have access to the same files both at home and at work, without necessity of sending or transferring them physically on a data storage device.

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Can I login to one account from many devices?

Comarch IBARD allows for logging in on two devices to one account at the same time with the use of one login and password. If a user is already logged in on two devices and wants to login to another one, it is necessary to log out from one of the devices. The application allows for logging out remotely from a computer being beyond our reach. To be able to log out remotely, set option “Allow for remote logout of the current user from this computer” in tab Settings – General.

Moreover, Comarch IBARD provides a possibility of adding users to the main account. The owner of Comarch IBARD account can divide its storage capacity among several users by assigning them particular disk space and granting permissions to read/save the data. Each user is provided with a separate login and password to a so-called subaccount, thanks to which he is able to take advantage of all the service functions on his own.

It is a perfect solution if you want to work on the same data both at work and at home and if you want to secure data from several computers in company on one Comarch IBARD account. This opportunity makes Comarch IBARD a perfect business tool for securing and exchanging of data in a small or medium enterprises.

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What possibilities are provided by a backup schedule?

A backup schedule allows for determining on which days of week the synchronization of files added to backup will be carried out. With the use of “Advanced” options in Schedule, it is also possible to create schedule profiles and filter profiles. A schedule profile is used for specifying not only days of week the backup will be created on, but also for determining particular hour at which the synchronization is to be started, while a filter profile allows for selecting types of files (by means of adding their extensions, e.g., *.jpg, *.doc) which are to be added or excluded from the synchronization process. In a filter profile, it is also possible to set attributes such as filtering of hidden files, system files, and temporary Internet Explorer files. Thanks to Tasks option, it is possible to assign appropriate schedule profiles and filter profiles to individual files added to the synchronization.

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Can I share my files to other users of the Internet?

Files/folders can be shared in two ways:


Sharing files on the Internet

Thanks to function of sharing files externally, you can share your data over the Internet to anyone you want with no limits. Sending of large files via e-mail is no longer a problem, you only need to share a file from your Comarch IBARD account and send the link to your friends. A password can be established for each shared file, which guarantees high level of security.

Sharing files to other users of Comarch IBARD

Through website

In order to use this option, go to File Manager upon logging in on www.Comarch and right-click on a file or folder selected for sharing. Then, select users you want to share your resources to and specify access permissions for these users: to read or to read and write.

Through Comarch IBARD application

Use Comarch IBARD application installed on your computer.

In order to use this option, right-click on a given file or folder and then select “Sharing”.

The same as in case of sharing resources through website, the following step consists in selecting users to which you want share your files or folders.

The last step is granting of permissions: to read or to read or write, a user we share our resources to will use.

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How can I search my files?

Comarch IBARD allows for finding the desired data in a fast way thanks to an efficient search engine. The data can also be restored from a virtual disk to a personal computer.




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Is creation of a backup with the use of Comarch IBARD complicated?

Data backup with the use of Comarch IBARD is fast and easy. Comarch IBARD:

– Automatically creates backup copies of data from your PC or laptop,
– Allows reliable and easy recovery of data,
– Protects data from such hazards as: viruses, computer theft, lost or damage of data,
– Allows users to access database backup copies through a secure connection with the Internet, by using any computer in any place in the world.

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Which files should be archived?

Comarch IBARD allows archiving of files in the following formats, e.g.: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, zip, jpg. Files recommended for archiving:

Photos, important documents, address details, accounting statements, reports, showcases, offers, price lists, mails, and other.

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How to optimally configure schedules for database backup tasks?

A database backup is among the processes imposing the highest load on system resources such as RAM, processor usage, hard drive space, or capacity of the Internet connection. It also affects efficiency of the database server operation.

When configuring a schedule according to which database backups will be created, you must be particularly cautious when determining time and frequency of backup execution.

Backups carried out too frequently can significantly reduce efficiency of a computer as well as the database server.

It is recommended to create backup copies of regular databases once a week. In case of databases containing accounting data or other important or frequently changing data, it is recommended to carry out a backup once a day, preferably at the end of a working day.

The best moment for creating of backup copies are evening and night hours, since this is the time when most of the systems are idle.

In order to change schedule, login to Comarch IBARD application, click on tab “Data Backup” > “Schedules” and edit the schedule assigned to database backup tasks.

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What Comarch IBARD has to offer apart from “storage” advantages?

Comarch IBARD, apart from a basic function of online backup and archiving of data, is equipped with a range of additional functionalities. These are the most interesting of them:

– automatic backup of files, folders, MSSQL databases from PC, laptops, and servers

– e-mail/sms notifications informing about current status of a given backup task

– creation of backup copies of e-mail program archives (e.g., Microsoft Outlook)

– secure and easy sharing of data to other Comarch IBARD and Internet users;

– integration with Comarch ERP Optima – database backup directly from the program;

– creation and management of user accounts within the main account (e.g., permissions management)

– access to data through a web browser or application installed on a computer;

– management of files through mobile devices (smartphones, tablets);

– versioning of documents (20 previous versions);

– team work on one file;

recommendation system, which increases storage capacity of your account for free.

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What if I do not have Framework .NET on my computer?

If you do not have Framework .NET yet, download it from website and install on your computer. This add-on allows for running and enables smooth functioning of Comarch IBARD application.

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Can Comarch IBARD operate as a Windows service?

Comarch IBARD operates as a Windows service, that is, as a process executed in the background of Windows environment, not requiring interaction with a user. Comarch IBARD as a service responsible for backup of data, is run during startup of the operating system and is active as long as the system is functioning. This functionality – very useful on server platforms – is dedicated exclusively to companies. It consists in running of two processes: the first one – a service operating in the background, and the other one – GUI.

The first process – a Windows service – is run together with the system startup. Thanks to it, Comarch IBARD starts the backup of important data at the time the system is started, without necessity to login to the application.

The other process – GUI – is responsible for communication between a user and the application: adding of tasks to backup/copy, specifying of a schedule, managing of the virtual disk, profiles, etc.

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Can I set the Proxy?

Comarch IBARD provides possibility of changing the Proxy server settings in a way allowing the application to operate smoothly. Proxy can be set in the Login Panel by clicking on the button [Connection Settings].

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Can I use Comarch IBARD on mobile devices?

Yes. Comarch IBARD service can be used on any device with access to the Internet. An application dedicated to devices with Android is also available (link), and it allows for:

– accessing the data stored in the cloud from a mobile device;

– downloading of files to a mobile device;

– sending of a photo to Comarch IBARD right after it is taken;

– backup of files and folders stored in a cell phone memory or on an external memory card;

– backup of contacts;

– backup of SMS/MMS;

– backup of photos;

– backup of videos;

– backup of music;

– backup of settings;

– backup of APN;

– Polish, English, French, or German interface;

– sharing of files from a mobile device to other service and Internet users.

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How to add a new user to the account?

In order to add a user to an account, logon on the website, select “Service Management” from the main menu, and then, select option “Users” from the right menu. Upon clicking [Add User] , a mini form opens, in which it is necessary to enter login, password, and assign the quote (account disk space). Each user can individually use all the service functions.

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What should I do when VSS stops working?

VSS service is a part of Windows system which is used by Comarch Comarch IBARD. It allows for creating automatic backup copy of files (backup online), which are at the same time used by other programs on a computer. If VSS stops, Comarch IBARD application cannot create backup copies of files being currently in use by other programs installed on a given user’s computer.

When VSS stops working, Comarch IBARD notifies about problem with access to that service. In such case, it is necessary to:
– restart VSS from the level of Windows Task Manager,
– if the above option does not repair the problem, files related VSS (advanced option) must be registered again (see example in English).

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